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Don’t let a storm destroy your building

Don't let a storm destroy your property

Don’t let a storm destroy your building

Storms wreak havoc across the nation during the summer months. In fact, the Bureau of Meteorology predicts an average to above-average number of cyclones will be expected for the 2016/2017 Australian tropical cyclone season (November-April). To prevent your commercial building from being subject to extensive water damage, it is absolutely critical to ensure your building is watertight.

At R&BS we have been assisting facility managers and building owners to protect their properties from the damage caused by water leaks for nearly 90 years. This has allowed us to build up an immense knowledge of the many areas that typically cause water ingress in your facilities and buildings and especially during the high volume storm events we experience in Australia.

As we are often engaged to rectify these water leaks after the events have happened and the damaged has occurred. Then when we carry out the subsequent roof or building inspection to identify these leaks we so often find the same typical issues are causing the water penetration. Most of which could have been avoided if some preventative checks had been carried out prior to the storm season.

Because we believe that preventative maintenance is the key to successfully limiting the risk of water penetration during our storm season, we have drawn on our experience to compile a Storm Season Roof Audit Checklist of the most typical areas that cause water ingress such as:

  • Do you have any existing leaks? If so, you need to get them rectified no matter how big or small they are (they can become serious when large volume rain events occur).
  • Are there any loose or disused machinery, ventilators, ductwork, outdoor furniture etc. sitting on your roof area that could move about and damage the roof area in a severe weather event?
  • Have you checked your metal roof sheeting for any damaged areas and corrosion (remember this corrosion can often be concealed by roof flashings or on the underside of the roof sheeting and not completely visible)? This means that you will be looking for any tell-tale signs of rust staining, discolouration of the metal and patches of white oxidised spots.

These are just some of the simple checks along with many other areas we have made available for you in our Storm Season Roof Audit Checklist. Our aim in providing the checklist for you is to assist in the management of your buildings and to help empower you to stay in front of the substantial issues that water leaks and the subsequent damage caused to your facility.

By using this checklist it will allow you to proactively identify if you have any issues that you need to get attended to prior to storm season which will then help alleviate your exposure to the disruption, inconvenience and related costs that this water damage causes.

R&BS specialises in proactively protecting facilities and buildings from water penetration. If you would like to take advantage of our FREE 30 minute consultation regarding proactive strategies to prevent water ingress into your facility or building this storm season then call the experts on 1800 550.


R&BS Storm Season Roof Audit Checklist

Download our Storm Season Roof Audit Checklist.