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Top tips for improving your metal roof

Top tips for improving your metal roof

Top tips for improving your metal roof

The phrase “prevention is better than the cure” could have implications beyond your health, as it’s also a motto we use here at R&BS. We realise that it can be all too tempting to leave your metal roof repairs until it’s too late, but in reality, it’s better to take steps to prevent damage and improve performance right from the start.

We’ve put together a list of maintenance tasks you might want to put into practice to improve the longevity and efficiency of your commercial premises.

Solar reflective coatings

Australia is renowned for being a sunny country, so surely it makes sense to harness the sun’s rays in whatever way possible. The Bureau of Meteorology has revealed that parts of Western Australia benefit from as many as 11 hours of sunshine a day, while the eastern seaboard has around seven.

Applying a solar reflective coating to your metal roof means you can make the most of the sunshine. With many commercial premises now choosing to install solar panels, it makes sense to make sure the space benefits from optimal conditions before the units are put into place. This will mean that you’re generating your own electricity, while ensuring the building keeps cool in the process!

Penetration sealing

Water has the potential to cause a wide range of problems for any construction. Taking a closer look at building waterproofing is therefore a wise move, and penetration sealing is just one of the options available to you.

Master Builders Australia warns that one of the main problems of water damage is that its effects might not be easy to track straight away. Although some damage might be immediately obvious, it’s often weeks or even months until the true extent of the problem is known. Penetration sealing can help keep problems to a minimum by preventing them from occurring in the first place.

Corrosion management prevention

Corrosion is one of the biggest issues facing metal roofs. Not only can it threaten the integrity of the roof material itself, but also any nearby downpipes and guttering. While specialised paints and rust removal can go some way to helping the issue, a comprehensive corrosion management/prevention strategy is going to have greater long term value.

R&BS has found that corrosion is one of the leading causes of roof leaks and problems with guttering. By working alongside our clients, we can come up with a strategy to prevent further damage from arising and ensuring that your commercial premises will stand the test of time.

If you want to achieve any of these improvement strategies, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 1800 550 037.