21 Jul What drought conditions mean for your roof
Australia is no stranger to extreme weather conditions. From the Millennium Drought to the more recent threats from Cyclones Marcia and Lam, it seems that severe weather is becoming an ever increasing issue.
In fact, a 2013 Senate inquiry suggested that the problem is unlikely to go away any time soon. Australia could find itself up against yet more challenges, meaning there’s no time like the present to start making preparations.
Safeguarding the country’s buildings is just one step in the right direction. Droughts have the potential to cause millions of dollars of damage throughout the nation, unless of course building owners take the necessary precautions now.
How likely are drought conditions?
Although weather forecasting has undoubtedly come a long way over the years, there’s still no exact way of telling what the skies have in store. However, forecasters based here in Australia and other parts of the world have their eyes on the El Nino effect and whether or not it is likely to affect these shores.El Nino often brings with it drought-like conditions, which can lead to damage that can take months, if not years, to put right. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) explains that heavy rainfall usually experienced in the north of the country shifts towards the Pacific basin, leading the landscape to dry out.
There is already evidence from the BOM to suggest that the 2015 El Nino is gathering pace. Similar findings have also been released from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the US, which anticipates that conditions will remain relatively weak.
What can I do to protect my building?
Rising temperatures and a lack of rainfall can take their toll on any construction. Materials can start to perish, especially if the dry conditions typically brought on by El Nino occur over a prolonged period.Figures from the Insurance Australia Group show that during the five years to 2013, more than $3 billion of damage has been caused to private property and infrastructure as a result of natural disasters.
The Australian and Queensland governments also faced more than $7.5 billion in reconstruction and recovery costs as a result of the 2010–11 Queensland floods and Cyclone Yasi.
Rather than wait for problems to arise, proactive building maintenance is the preferable option. This will identify any potential issues before they have the opportunity to escalate, helping you reduce the likelihood of a hefty repair bill.
To assess the impact of the weather on your roofs and any unidentified issues, contact R&BS today.